“grow|thaw” (2023)

UMS presents Regenerate! at the Ypsi Freighthouse

Sunday, April 23rd - Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Photo by Peter Smith 2024.

This project was our first time working with the University Musical Society, and the partnership let us expand the regenerate community to include a bunch of new participants, many from the imminently creative town of Ypsilanti. This project was part of UMS’s residency in the Ypsilanti Freighthouse Museum, an beautiful venue with wooden floors and walls and a magnificently open feel.

Photo by Peter Smith 2023.

A ton of people ended up joining the orchestra, and we were able to fill the performance pace with swirling masses of chaotic orchestral sound.

For this project, we assembled a dozen or so singing bowls, which, along with jangly metal rods, large sheets of paper, egg shakers, pieces of balsa wood, and two skilled flute soloists, made for an unforgettable evening of spring-themed sonic immersions.

See the full performance of “grow|thaw”!

See a segment of “Moondance”

This one got the audience singing along with the performers in a singing circle.

Hear music from the show.

Project Leadership

J. Clay Gonzalez, composer, director, Peter Littlejohn, assistant director, chef, media, Adam Funk, video, Justine Sedky, flute soloist, Peter Smith, photographer

Events for the project

Sunday, April 23rd — community music workshop open to the public

Wednesday, April 26th, 7:30 PM — performance

Size of ensemble

55 community musicians participated in this project.


“Fair Ypsi,” traditional, arranged J. Clay Gonzalez

“cocoon,” by J. Clay Gonzalez

“grow|thaw,” by J. Clay Gonzalez

“Moondance,” by J. Clay Gonzalez

“The Michigan State Song,” by J. Clay Gonzalez and Perry Maddox

Photo by Peter Smith 2024.


The Third Place [MUSICFEST] (2023)


“Winter Solstice Bash” - A Regenerate! event at Planet Rock Climbing Gym in Ann Arbor (2022)