Social Singing and Parade (2023)
A Regenerate! event at the Third Place [MUSICFEST] in Ann Arbor, MI
Saturday, May 20th, 2023
Photo by Colin McCall 2023.
A parade from Liberty Plaza to Argus Farmstop in Ann Arbor, MI.
Presented by The Third Place [MUSICFEST]
In summer in Ann Arbor, the city closes Main Street to cars, and on a weekend night, the street becomes packed with folks dining, strolling, and just hanging out. It’s a beautiful sight, and on a busy day there will be over a thousand people enjoying an evening on the town. This is a perfect place to stage an “artistic intervention.”
Photo by Colin McCall 2023.
For this event, we met at Liberty Plaza downtown and learned three new folksongs. We then paraded down Liberty street in a double-file line while singing joyfully. Once we got to the intersection of Liberty and Main (at the very center of this lively downtown area,) we formed a singing circle and sang these songs as rounds. In a way, these performances are among the best attended of all Regenerate! events, because everyone in the area gets to experience a little of our music. We finished the event by parading the group up to Argus Farmstop on Liberty, where we sang “The Michigan State Song.”
Hear music from the show.
“Moondance” by J. Clay Gonzalez
“Groundhog,” by J. Clay Gonzalez
“Millers Bay,” by J. Clay Gonzalez
“The Michigan State Song,” by J. Clay Gonzalez